
Our comprehensive suite of internet services and network management solutions is designed to propel your business forward. We provide high-speed, reliable internet connectivity tailored to meet the unique demands

Residential Internet

  • Speed Tiers: Typically range from basic (e.g., 25 Mbps) to high-speed options (e.g., 1 Gbps or higher).
  • Data Caps: Some plans may have data caps, while others offer unlimited data.
  • Pricing: Varies based on speed and region; promotional rates may be available.
  • Equipment: Usually requires a modem and router, which can be rented or purchased.

Business Internet

  •  Speed and Reliability: Higher speeds and more reliable connections compared to residential plans. 
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Often include guarantees for uptime and response times. 
  • Symmetrical Speeds: Often provide the same upload and download speeds. 
  • Pricing: Higher than residential plans, often based on speed and service level. 

Dedicated Business Internet

  • Dedicated Connection: Provides a dedicated line for the business, ensuring no sharing of bandwidth with other customers.
  • High Performance: Ideal for businesses requiring consistent, high-speed internet for critical applications.
  • Scalability: Can easily upgrade as business needs grow.
  • Cost: Significantly higher than shared business internet due to dedicated resources.

TV Services

  • Channel Packages: Various packages offering different numbers of channels, including local, sports, entertainment, and premium channels.
  • Streaming Options: Many providers now offer streaming TV services, which may or may not require a cable box.
  • On-Demand and DVR: Options for on-demand content and digital video recording.

Security Automation System

  • Components: Includes security cameras, motion detectors, door/window sensors, and smart locks.
  • Monitoring: Options for professional monitoring services or self-monitoring through mobile apps.
  • Pricing: Equipment costs plus monthly monitoring fees if professional monitoring is chosen.
  • Installation: DIY installation options or professional installation services available.

Managed IT Services

Provide businesses with the expertise, reliability, and flexibility needed to effectively manage their IT infrastructure. 

Key Components of Managed IT Services

  • Daily backup checks
  • Event log monitoring
  • Managed critical and security updates
  • Managed antivirus updates
  • Performance monitoring & trending reports
  • Hardware monitoring of routers, switches, servers
  • Monthly status reports
  • Quarterly on-site maintenance

Managed Services

Simplicity, Quality, Always ON!

Your Dedicated Team

Technology is only one part of the service – where we really differentiate ourselves is through our dedicated Monitoring Team. Our technicians are experts in their fields and are focussed entirely on maintaining your systems via our monitoring dashboards.

Other Benefits for Managed Service Customers

As a Managed Service customer you will benefit from a reduced hourly rate for any additional support or project work performed outside of your Managed Service Care Plan inclusions. Our Support and Project teams are separate from the Monitoring team to ensure you have access to the right technicians when you need them.

Customer Service Is What We Live For

Have you ever signed a service contract for a year or more, only to have the quality nosedive soon after? We don’t have any lock-in contracts for our Managed Service Care Plans – the agreement just rolls along on a month to month basis. We keep our customers’ long-term by providing outstanding customer service & value for money, not because we lock them into lengthy contracts.

Managed IT Security Services

As a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP), we have a deep understanding of cyber threats and security best practices. Let’s face it,  most companies don’t have the time and resources to maintain effective, around the clock security. That’s where our managed IT security company comes in. 

As a managed security services provider we are at the center of many corporations’ IT security operations.

Why Use Our Managed IT Security Services?

As a managed security services provider we are at the center of many corporations’ IT security operations. We tighten the matrix of technology, people, and processes by providing enterprise class, advanced security solutions to small and medium businesses. From security awareness training to multifactor authentication we are experts in IT security and can help your business mitigate IT security risks and employ the latest security technologies designed to safeguard your IT infrastructure and protect your business critical data.

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